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Desktop Environment Terminology

Revision as of 09:33, 5 November 2009 by Msaul (talk | contribs)

Currently, the two most common desktop environment used in Linux are:

  • Gnome
  • KDE

This tutorial will try to teach the "basics of the Desktop environment", and will be apply to both Gnome and KDE.

Purpose of the Desktop Environment

The purpose of a desktop environment is to allow the user to accomplish tasks and to customize their Graphic User Interface preferences. This desktop environment is designed to make it easy for users to interface with the computer system to run applications, and manage their documents, pictures, music, etc...

Just like MS Windows, there are several methods that the user can interface with the computer system:

  • Graphic User Interface (GUI)- Use of icons to launch applications or manage files
  • Menu-Driven Interface - Use of menus (eg. context menus) to perform operations
  • Command Line Interface (CLI) - Command prompt to issue more complex commands or utilities

Elements of the Desktop Environment

The desktop refers to the main area on your desktop environment. This represents your typical top of your desk. Traditionally when working, people have used their desk to accomplish tasks, temporarily store documents, and later store documents in their drawer. This desktop area is used to represent this...

Contained on the desktop (located on the left-hand-side) are icons. These icons can represent hardware devices, applications, and other items such as documents, pictures, music, etc... The user can open these files or run these applications by pointing and double-clicking on the icon.

Usually appearing along the edge of the desktop, panels are areas that contain additional elements to assist the user to operate in the desktop environment. There is usually a primary and secondary panel that is created upon install. The Primary panel may contains the following:

  • Start Menu (to launch applications)
  • Program Launchers (launch by clicking on icon)
  • Notification Area (Displaying Date and Time, System Updates, etc...)

The Secondary panel may contain the following:

  • Windows List (displaying all running application windows)
  • Workspace Switcher (Switch to difference desktop)
  • Trash Bin (Stores Deleted Files)

The user can remove or add any number of panels to their desktop. They can also add or remove any elements that appear on the panel. Programs or applications that appear on the panel are referred to as applets. To add an applet to/from the panel, simply right-click on an empty area on the panel, and select "Add to Panel" and select an applet from the list of applets that appear.