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User:Dhhodgin/FSOSS 09

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Revision as of 22:02, 31 October 2009 by Dhhodgin (talk | contribs)

Free Software & Open Source Symposium


This years FSOSS featured talks by more than 20 different individuals on a broad range of topics. The talks are spaced out in 4 different rooms with one per hour. This means that I was only able to attend 6 talks which made it a bit hard to choose which ones would be most beneficial to me. In the end I went with the following lineup:

  • 9AM - Creating a Twitter Widget using Processing.js (Alistair MacDonald,
  • 10AM - Ranking the Bugs: Predicting Which Will Get Fixed (Diederik van Liere, Rotman School of Management)
  • 11AM - A View from the Gallery: JVM Alt, Languages (Newman (Scott) Hunter, Fuel Industries)
  • 1PM - Coping at the scale of Mozilla: Open Tools (Taras Glek, Mozilla & David Humphrey, Seneca College)
  • 2PM - Open Source for Fun and Profit: Making a Career (Khalid Baheyeldin,, Inc.)
  • 3PM - 3D in the Browser... More than just Doom (Catherine Leung, Seneca College)

I'm going to discuss the two talks which are the most closely related to my project in this course which were the Twitter widget in processing.js and the 3D in the browser with canvas and whats being done with these technologies.

Creating a Twitter Widget using Processing.js

Having just recently switched my major project to work on processing.js I decided this was one presentation I could not miss out on. This talk was given by Al MacDonald who is a freelance web consultant. His website is Al began his talk with an introduction into what processing.js is. He explained that processing is a language for creating 2D and 3D graphics, animations, and interactive applications.
Processing is a language that was built to be run and parsed on a native JAVA client. So processing 'sketches' would be created and then run on the JAVA client which would process them and create the graphics, animations, text, etc in a window. Then a man by the name of John Resig came into the picture and started work on creating a port of processing for JAVA to processing for JavaScript. The idea was to be able to allow those sketches of animation, graphics, and interactive apps to be able to be drawn in a web browser without any plugins or extensions to install. Simply put a way to animate and 'interactify' the web and allow processing creations to 'just work' in modern browsers for users.
After a brief intro into what PJS was and how it got started Al got into some code samples and showed some real time examples of making some simple demos. He showed how easy it is to get started and do some really neat things and basic animations with just a few lines of code. Following some code samples and demos, Al moved on to talk about the community and how it is contributing to the project and helping to implement some of the remaining code that still needs to be ported.
Next came the demo I had been waiting to see. Al had created a widget for a web page that could grab twitter info and then aggregate it into the widget. The purpose of this demo was to show that with about 100 lines of code this technology could create a really professional looking animated feature for a personal website that could run on any modern browser using the canvas element for HTML5.

background on pjs pjs code samples student contributions ask ken processing js search engine demo

3D in the Browser... More than just Doom


Your report must be 2,500 words and include:

  • Summaries of two talks.
    • What was each talk about?
    • What was the speaker's main point?
    • What was the speaker's background and point of view?
  • Analysis of each speaker's views on open source. He/she may not mention it explicitly. You must listen and try to understand based on what they are saying, and perhaps not saying.
  • Comparison of the points made by the presenters.
    • What can you say about open source in the light of the points they made?
    • Do the speakers have similar views of open source or do they disagree?
    • How so?
  • Conclusion about your views on open source
    • Does the picture of open source you've seen presented in these talks challenge or confirm your own views about what open source is and how it functions?