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Document Mozilla External String Guide

Revision as of 11:56, 19 October 2009 by Roger Dicke (talk | contribs)

Project Name

Document Mozilla External String Guide

Project Description

On MDC the Mozilla internal string guide makes reference to a Mozilla external string guide which does not exist at this time.

For any developer looking for information on external strings this is a problem. It is specifically important to those developing Extensions, XULRunner applications, and embedders. At the wiki Mozilla internal string guide the link "here" in the sentence of the first paragraph:

"Extensions, XULRunner applications, and embedders should use the external strings, documented here."

points to nothing.

Mozilla internal string guide on MDC

Bug 494970 - Document Mozilla External String Guide

Project Leader(s)

Project Contribution

Here are some ways you can help with my project:

  1. Visit the Mozilla external string guide and help with formatting, spelling, grammar, and anything else you can fix. (Be sure to refer to the How to help page on MDC.)

Project Contributor(s)

From Seneca:

Project Details

When the various versions of the project are being released they will be released on MDC at Mozilla external string guide

Projected Project Time-line

0.0 - Project Plan (This project page and [blog post])

0.1 - Document the difference between External and Internal strings, lay out wiki page with basic sections

0.2 - Data collected and entered using static analysis tool (related interfaces etc.)

0.3 - Complete all generic sections from the wiki page and add other important sections about the code

Project News

The project has started.

The projects sandbox page is now available: