Current Events
Events listed here will be included on the front page of the Wiki. Past events should be moved to Special Events History.
Upcoming Events:
- Thursday, October 8: Guest speakers Ben Hearsum and Armen Zambrano Gasparnian, Mozilla Build Team, will be visiting the SBR600 and DPS909/OSD600 classes.
- Free Software and Open Source Symposium - FSOSS 2009
- Thursday October 29 (Workshops) & Friday October 30, 2009 (Presentations) at Seneca@York
- Seneca Students can attend for free if they volunteer
- Part of the Toronto Open Source Week
- Fedora Users and Developers Conference - FUDCon Toronto 2009
- December 5-7, 2009 (Saturday-Monday) at Seneca@York
- FUDCon is free, and everyone is welcome!
- See the Fedora wiki for additional information.
- Seneca student registration instructions