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Students in DPS909 Fall 2008

Revision as of 17:15, 8 December 2008 by Nadavers (talk | contribs) (Students)

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Students IRC Nick(s) Project(s) 0.3 Submitted
Anthony Hughes ashughes BirdTorrent
Cdpatel1 Chinmay Not Decided Yet
Nino D'Aversa nadavers [Adding_tel_support_for_Windows_Mobile Adding tel support for Windows Mobile] Yes
James Evangelista Not Decided Yet
Leonard Lee Vesper Canvas 3D XUL Runner App
Clarence Chung Ckchung5 Not Decided Yet
Thomas Brown tjbro Not Decided Yet
Johann Manzano Johpan Per-Site/Per-Tab User-Agent Modification
Irina Sh felis Not Decided Yet
Sid Kalra Sid or Sid23 Mercurial History Browsing Yes
Aaron Train AaronMT Contribute to Private Browsing tests(0.3 HTML5 same page) Yes
Aaron Hooper Aaron Spellcheck Extension for Arbitrary Web Pages
Bartosz Barcicki BartB Not Decided Yet
Jesse Valianes JesseV Not Decided Yet
Ezadkiel Marbella ezadkiel Colour Management Test Yes
Joshua Doodnauth Jsdoodna

XUL Application_Packaging