What command will list all partitions on all hard drives?
- fdisk
- fdisk -l
- partprobe
what is wrong with this statement?
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/mytest.img bs-1024 count-10000
- wrong of file type
- cannot have zeroes in an img file
- typing error
- if and of in the wrong order
Which directory usually contains the GNU/Linux boot files?
- /
- /root
- /boot
- /home directory of user who is booting the system
The user password are stored in which file?
- /etc/passwd
- /etc/shadow
- /etc/password
- none of above
Grub is a boot loader. It is used to load Linux kernel & driver module files in to memory by reading the configuration file. The name and path of GRUB configuration file is
- /etc/grub/grub.conf
- /root/grub.conf
- /boot/grub/grub.conf
- /boot/grub.conf
resize2fs command is used ?
- to enlarge or shrink the size of partitions on harddisks
- to change the physical volumes (PVs)
- to enlarge or shrink the size of Logical Volumes (LVM)
- to enlarge or shrink the ext2 and ext3 file systems
The Name and path of the linux kernel is
- /boot/vmlinux.
- /boot/initrd.
- /boot/Linus.torvalds.
- /boot/vmlinuz-
Linux need at least two minimum partitions for installation named
- /root & swap
- /root & /boot
- / & swap
- /root & /red knot
File system must requires a container. The container may be
- Disk Partition
- File
- Logical volume (LVM)
- All of above
To mount a new file system permanently, so that it is available automatically across the rebooting,a entry is required to made in a file, The name of the file is
- /etc/inittab
- /etc/fstab
- /boot/grub/grub.conf
- /etc/automounttab
What is the purpose of the sudo command?
- to allow a permitted user to execute ftp
- to start the Suse linux kernel
- to allow a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user
- to switch to the root user
What command would you use to set the maximum mount count of the file system to 100?
- tune2fs /dev/sda7 -c 100
- tune2fs /dev/sda2 -m 100
- resize2fs /dev/sda3 -c 100
- resize2fs /dev/sda5 -m 100
There is one line "#chkconfig: 3 92 08" in your script file. Its name is carpal and it is saved in /etc/init.d/ directory. When you execute the command "chkconfig --add carpal", What will happen?
- to produce links: "/etc/rc5.d/S92carpal" and "/etc/rc3.d/K08carpal"
- to produce links: "/etc/rc5.d/S92carpal" and "/etc/rc0.d/K08carpal"
- to produce links: "/etc/rc3.d/S92carpal" and "/etc/rc0.d/S08carpal"
- to produce links: "/etc/rc3.d/S92carpal" and "/etc/rc0.d/K08carpal"
Different Linux uses different tools to install package. As follow which is true?
- Ubuntu uses apt-get, Opensuse uses zypper and Fedora uses yum or pkcon
- Ubuntu uses pkcon or zypper, Opensuse uses yum and Fedora apt-get
- Ubuntu uses zypper, Opensuse uses apt-get and Fedora uses yum or pkcon
- Ubuntu uses yum, Opensuse uses pkcon and Fedora uses yum or apt-get
How to unpack the file "linux-2.6.26.tar.bz2" ?
- tar cvjf linux-2.6.26.tar.bz2
- tar xvjf linux-2.6.26.tar.bz2
- tar tvjf linux-2.6.26.tar.bz2
- gunzip linux-2.6.26.tar.bz2|tar cvf -
How to compile kernel and modules?
- make oldconfig
- make
- rpmdev-setuptree
- make modules_install