Assignment 1 - build firefox
My first step is search “how to build firefox on Windows” on Google. Then I followed the instructions on David Humphrey's website.
Software Installed
Install the compiler - Visual Studio.NET 2005
Install Cygwin with all packages required for building Mozilla:
ash coreutils cvs diffutils findutils gawk grep libiconv make 3.80 patchutils perl sed unzip zip
Create a directory c:\proj
Download and Extract Moztools to C:\proj\moztools
Steps to Complete the build
Setup environment variables and paths by creating a setup file: c:\proj\buildsetup.bat Copy and paste the given code(from David's website) to c:\proj\buildsetup.bat
@echo off rem --- CVS Setup SET SET CVS_RSH=ssh rem --- Setup the paths to the moztools build libraries set MOZ_TOOLS=C:\proj\moztools set GLIB_PREFIX=%MOZ_TOOLS% set LIBIDL_PREFIX=%MOZ_TOOLS% rem --- Scrub these variables first SET INCLUDE= SET LIB= SET PATH=C:\;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows\system32\wbem rem --- Prepend cygwin SET PATH=C:\cygwin\bin;%PATH% rem --- Setup VC8 compiler environment vars CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86 rem --- Add glib/libidl to build environment SET PATH=%PATH%;%GLIB_PREFIX%;%GLIB_PREFIX%\bin SET INCLUDE=%GLIB_PREFIX%\include;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=%GLIB_PREFIX%\lib;%LIB% rem --- moztools comes last after glib/libIDL SET PATH=%PATH%;%MOZ_TOOLS%\bin
Run Cygwin and move into c:\proj directory Problem1 – I have no idea how to move my current directory to c:\proj in Cygwin
$ cd ../.. $ cd cygdrive/ $ cd c $ cd proj