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Revision as of 15:10, 29 September 2008 by Bossa nesta (talk | contribs) (RESOURCES)

Start of Discussion

Please add to this discussion :) (msaul)

Murray, this is not a discussion group in the sense that was meant in class. I think following are examples of what is needed:

Hardware v. Software

In my mind the first logical division is between hardware and software.


Are we going to know what hardware this is going to run on before we assemble a software stack? Are we going to assume some spec or build a prototype?

If it were up to me, I'd have the same hardware that we use for the system assembled immediately as a testing system so ideas and changes could be promptly run through a decent quality assurance (QA) procedure.

What kind of hardware could we fit into a video game cabinet? (Nestor: if outlook is not nessary, we can have a 2nd hand wood desk and build controller and TV on it.)

How would we mount it so that it could take a beating? What do we need in terms of:

  • Mainboard (is there upside in using a small form factor like Mini-ATX, etc.?)
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • Non-volatile storage (hard disk, flash)
 (Nes: we can also use some paper or soft but breathing material to made a cusion for the HD, it's the best and cheapest way to do)
  • Video hardware
  • Display hardware
  • Arcade controls (Nes: ideal is 6 buttons for each controllers, plus 1 or 2 for start or select key)
  • Cabinet
  • Speakers
  • Power supply/supplies

The sooner we rig this stuff into a working configuration (even if it's in a regular case sitting in a cubicle in OSI), the better chance we have of making something good.


  • I would suggest to have a arcade box with controllers working. and TV may not nessary working. I have some lonely CRT 28 inch, 14, 12 inches TV sitting in my house. They need some love. I would like to donate one of them to the project, 'cos I love you guys, lol
  • I've been searching around in ebay and facebook marketplace for arcade machine, so far, i can only find some 2nd hard for 500. And don't forget we may need to deal with shipping. I've already ask some friend if they have any connection to get one for 200... althought I think it's impossible. I would suggest lets deal with the software part first, we deal with controller later. We can build our own box if nessary.
  • For $200, we may need some donation from 3rd party. Please ask around if any one have 2nd hand controller, Comp hardware, make sure u tell them it's for the project and u'll buy them the biggest, most expensive Tim Horton Iced Cap (but shipping is not included for the Iced Cap) lol

Possible Hardware List

List of Arcade Machien that we could consider...


FREE!!!, nothing works, self-pickup in Windsor, but, hey, it's FREE!!

$100, but only 4 buttons, limited games...

$100, price negotiable, with 6 buttons, but buttons are broken, need to be fixed.. @@


$499, asking for more detail, and more machine choice...


On the software side, hadn't we better choose the game or games that we'd like to put on the system? I don't have a clue about contemporary games but I'd like to see classic card and puzzle games. My video game experience these days is on touch screen games I find at many pubs & bars around the city. (Nes: touch screen? for those nasty card games? hehe.. ) But if we want to do a single game box, that suits me too.


Nes: We can have a rom simulator and choose any game we want. In my experience, some arcade machine have some function like that 5 years ago. I could play few versions of street fighter in one machine. I put in coins and choose which one I wanna play. It has a button in front of you, it ususally the "start" button. We could use mame rom, which has most famous arcade game in the world and it's free as long as it's not for commercial use.

 I have already found some simulator for linux, any one have the time and knowledge to try? Please let me know, thx a lot.


An actual machine that already build on an old console with linux, this is something we should be able to acheive..

a link about license of MAME

This one is a bit too fancy to build, but.. have a look, maybe it can give us an idea or build some thing cool like this one..

Homebrew Arcade website, it has a PDF file to show u how to do ur own arcade machine

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