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OS X Keychain integration

Revision as of 12:41, 15 September 2006 by Moe (talk | contribs) (Project Leader(s))

Project Name

OS X Keychain

Project Description

The Mozilla Developer Center would like to add a CSS guide to its set of major documents, covering at least the top 100 CSS properties in use on the web today. This data can be obtained through tools . It should include numerous examples, and a fair number of small tutorial/how-to sections for different common tasks or requests from web authors.

Reference: CSS Reference

Project Leader(s)

Dave Bertenshaw

Philip Vitorino
Mohammad Tirtashi

Name(s) of primary people working on the project. If you want to join a project as leader, discuss with other leaders first. Include links to personal pages within wiki

Project Contributor(s)

Name(s) of people casually working on the project, or who have contributed significant help. Include links to personal pages within wiki

NOTE: only Project Leader(s) should add names here. You can’t add your own name to the Contributor list.

Project Details

Provides more depth than the Project Description. This is the place for technical discussions, project specs, or other details. If this gets very long, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages and linking to them.

Project News

This is where your regular updates will go. In these you should discuss the status or your work, your interactions with other members of the community (e.g., Seneca and Mozilla), problems you have encountered, etc.

Put detailed technical information into the Project Details page (i.e., update it as you go), and save this section for news about participation in the project.