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OPS705 Lab 6

Revision as of 22:22, 12 December 2021 by Chris.johnson (talk | contribs) (Part 1: Logging in to AWS Academy - Cloud Foundations)
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Purpose / Objectives of Lab 6

In this lab, you will learn how to create a very simple web application in Amazon Web Services to demonstrate a Platform-as-a-Service deployment. We'll be using AWS Elastic Beanstalk for this lab. For more information about these technologies, refer to the Week 8 and Week 9 lectures and slides.

While you are working through this lab, it is highly recommended that you write down general notes and commands to help you remember how to do this lab. You may use your notes during tests, so fill it out accordingly!

If you encounter technical issues, please contact your professor via e-mail or in your section's Microsoft Teams group.

Minimum Requirements

Before beginning, you must have:

  1. Successfully completed Lab 5
  2. Watched the Week 9 video lecture
  3. Read through the Week 9 slides, and have them handy as a reference for concepts
  4. Your AWS Academy login credentials

INVESTIGATION: AWS Elastic Beanstalk

In this investigation, you'll set up two AWS Elastic Beanstalk instances. This service takes care of all the infrastructure setup; all you need to worry about is the code platform and the code.

Part 1: Logging in to AWS Academy - Cloud Foundations

To create your web app, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to AWS Academy here:
  2. Under Courses, choose AWS Academy Cloud Foundations

Part 2: Module 6 Activity - AWS Elastic Beanstalk

  1. Navigate to Modules in the left-hand menu bar.
  2. Scroll down to Module 6 - Compute
  3. Click on Activity - AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  4. Follow the lab instructions.
  5. While you complete the lab, take the following screenshots:
    1. First view of your pre-created sample Elastic Beanstalk environment status page.
    2. The HTTP 404 Tomcat error page from clicking on the URL for the hosted resource.
    3. View of your environment status page with the updated code deployed.
    4. The Congratulations web page from clicking on the URL for the hosted resource using your new code.
    5. A listing of your EC2 instances running the above resources to show you've fully explored the lab.

Part 3: A Note About Resource Usage

Module labs only need to be ended to shut down all resources. Remember, your created work is not preserved after you end the lab!

Part 4: Exploration

A second AWS Academy classroom is available to you, 'AWS Academy Learner Lab - Foundation Services. Here, you can explore the Elastic Beanstalk service (along with many others), create instances that will remain for the duration of the class, and try things out. I highly encourage you to take a look and play around! Read through the sidebar readme doc for service restrictions.

Lab Submission

Submit to Blackboard's Lab Submission section full-desktop screenshots (PNG/JPG) of the following:

  1. First view of your pre-created sample Elastic Beanstalk environment status page.
  2. The HTTP 404 Tomcat error page from clicking on the URL for the hosted resource.
  3. View of your environment status page with the updated code deployed.
  4. The Congratulations web page from clicking on the URL for the hosted resource using your new code.
  5. A listing of your EC2 instances running the above resources to show you've fully explored the lab.

Labs aren't marked until screenshots have been submitted.