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GPU621/Intel Advisor Assistant

Revision as of 16:15, 8 December 2021 by RRamirez (talk | contribs) (Intel Advisor)

Intel Advisor

Group Members

Introduction to Intel Advisor

Intel advisor is a tool used by developers writing code in Fortran, C, C++, Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), OpenMP, and Python. It will analyze your code written in these languages and help you figure out where you can optimize, and make your application run faster.

It is a part of the Intel OneAPI Base Toolkit that we used in our course – GPU621.

This tool will take your code and help with its performance, it does this through analyzing your code through following key points: • Vectorization and Code Insights • CPU/ Memory Roofline Insights and GPU Roofline Insights • Offload Modeling • GPU Roofline Insights • Threading

Intel Advisor will not write your code, but it will help with optimization. It allows you to: • Model your application performance on an accelerator • Visualize performance bottlenecks on a CPU or GPU using a Roofline chart • Check vectorization efficiency • Prototype threading designs

How to install Intel Advisor

The standalone tool is available on Intel’s official website at and it is also a part of the Intel OneAPI Base Toolkit.
