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OSL640 Project

Revision as of 20:55, 25 October 2021 by Jason Michael Carman (talk | contribs) (SUBMISSION)



Linux is all around us. It is used to power services that we use in our daily lives. There are many specialized Linux distributions for specific areas of use. Linux is used by everything from smart phones and devices, the cloud and even organizations like NASA. You are going to research a Linux distribution based on the criteria below. You will then prepare a presentation (with live demonstration) and written report. For your distribution you should discuss the following:

  • Its history:
    • Where it came from?
    • When it was developed and first available?
    • Latest release (version)
  • Use:
    • Why would you use this?
    • What is it used for?
    • Who uses it (users and/or major companies/organizations)
  • Linux Family (ie: Debian based?)
  • Package Management
    • How do you install software? (ie: apt-get, dnf)

This can be done individually or optionally in a group of 2.


You are going to install one of the following distributions (as a virtual machine) based on the last digit of your student number. You will research the above criteria (as outlined in the overview) and compare it to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), which you installed in Tutorial 7. If you are working in a group of 2 you may choose one of the options from your two student numbers.

You will be required to create a virtual machine and use it to perform a presentation (with live demonstration) and written report. Your virtual machine name format should be: distribution-studentid(s). For example: RHEL-000000000.


Your submission will consist of the following three parts:

  • Project Milestone (5%) (Due Week 10)
    • Word document including screenshots of your Linux VM installation.
  • Presentation (15%) (including live demonstration) (Due Week 13 / Week 14) of approximately 10 minutes in length. Your demonstration should include:
    • Browse the launcher (start menu)
    • Run a program (this could be a web browser)
    • Something interesting you discovered
  • Report (15%) (approximately 15 pages) (Due Week 14) including:
    • Cover page (including all group member names and student numbers)
    • Table of Contents
    • Overview
    • Installation screenshots with descriptions
    • Conclusion
    • References

Your presentation slides and report are to be uploaded to the project folder on Blackboard by the due date for full marks. This is worth 35% of your overall grade and takes the place of a final exam. Take your time and do it well. The due date is the final day of the semester, late submissions will receive zero.