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Revision as of 16:48, 11 April 2021 by Peter.callaghan (talk | contribs) (Switching OpenShift lab to use the RedHat Academy provided virtual lab environment.)

OPS635 OpenShift Lab: Container Management Using OpenShift


Deploying containerized services using a platform as a service (PaaS) tool can make it easier to manage having multiple services deployed across a larger number of machines.


  • You must have accounts on github and The process for obtaining both is outlined in the DO180 student guide available through the RedHat Academy Learning Platform.


  • One Solid State Drive (SSD), minimum capacity 240GB, in a USB3 Enclosure.

Investigation 1: Preparing OpenShift

  • Complete the guided exercise at the end of chapter 1 in the DO180 student guide. It will link your OpenShift installation to your docker and accounts.

Investigation 2: Deploying a containerized Service in OpenShift

  • Complete the lab at the end of chapter 6 in the DO180 student guide. Take a screenshot of you running the lab openshift-review grade command (showing you have passed all checks).

Investigation 3: Deploying Multi-Container Services in OpenShift

  • Complete the lab at the end of chapter 7 in the DO180 student guide. Take a screenshot of you running the lab multicontainer-review grade command (showing you have passed all checks).


  1. Upload your screenshots to the OpenShift lab submission on blackboard.