Assignment 2 S - Create Fabric tasks for remote User Management
Weight: 15% of the overall grade
What you need
- A github account with a private repository named ops435-a2s
- Complete Lab 8
- A VM assigned to you on by Seneca ITS.
- Has access to
Due Date: Please follow the three stages of submission schedule:
- Check point 1: complete the detail algorithm for each task in this assignment by November 25, 2020. Name it as a2s_algorithm.txt and upload it to your github repository
- Check point 2: complete the coding of your fabric commands file from the algorithm for each task by Dec 2, 2020. Name it as a2s_[Seneca_name].py (replace [Seneca_name] with your Seneca email user name) and upload it to your github repo by Dec 2, 2020.
- Check point 3: complete the testing and debugging using your VM in myvmlab by Dec 4, and also submit your algorithm file (a2s_algorithm.txt), test results, and the fabric file (a2s_[Seneca_name].py) to Blackboard.
Late Penalty: 20% per school day, and note that in order to pass this course, this assignment must be completed satisfactorily, i.e. a grade of 50% or more.
- Study the Fabric API run(), sudo(), local(), and put() and utilize them to create a new Fabric task called userAdmin()
- The userAdmin() task should perform the following activities on a remote machine to:
- create a new user when necessary information is provided
- delete an existing user when it is safe to do so.
Tasks for this assignment
In this assignment, you should perform the following activities:
- Complete a detail algorithm for the following FOUR system administrator operations:
- add a user account to a Linux system (task name addUser)
- determine whether a given user name exist on a Linux system (task name findUser)
- get a list of user account name with a command shell on a Linux system (listUser)
- get a list of system account name without a command shell on a Linux system (listSysUser)
- Create a corresponding fabric task using the fabric API to automate the above four system administrator operations.
- Test and debug your fabric file using your assigned VM in