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DPS921/PyTorch: Convolutional Neural Networks

Revision as of 21:57, 6 November 2020 by Shervintafreshipour (talk | contribs) (Convolutional Neural Networks Using Pytorch)

Convolutional Neural Networks Using Pytorch

The basic idea was to create a convolutional neural network using

the python machine learning Framework PyTorch. The actual code will

be written in Jupyter Lab both for demonstration and implementation

purposes. Furthermore, using the the torchvision dataset, the goal

was to show training of the neural network, and show the classification

of several images which show digits from 0 - 9.

Group Members

1. Shervin Tafreshipour

2. Parsa Jalilifar

3. Novell Rasam


Friday,Nov 6, 2020 - Created a basic CNN in jupyterlab using the pytorch Framework.