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Buildbot and EC2/0.5

Revision as of 17:21, 27 January 2008 by Awdelyea (talk | contribs) (About)

Release 0.4


  • Port Try Server to Seneca's Hera Cluster
  • Setup Seneca's EC2 account for Seneca Try Server
  • Apache User configuration
  • Downloadable Try Builds


This release is all about getting everything to work on Seneca's machines, and getting the configurations all set up.

The temporary Try Server that is set up on my personal server is going to be ported over to Seneca's Hera cluster, and then configured to allow the Try Server to use all of the available machines.

User information will be manually added to an Apache config file, to give users access to the Try Server.

Also going to add a build step to upload the completed build to a downloadable location on the cluster.

Server Location

   Try Server Patch Submission Page @ Seneca