Winter 2020 SPO600 Participants
These are the participants in the SPO600 course during Winter 2020.
Participant and Project Table
# | First Name | Surname | Preferred name or nickname | Blog URL | Seneca LDAP ID | Role and Program e.g., CTY Student |
Project | Alternate Project | Notes Regarding Projects | Marks Review Requested | |
00 | Chris | Tyler | Chris | chris.tyler | Professor | ||||||
01 | Benjamin | White | Ben | | BWhite19 | CPA Student | |||||
02 | Marco | Rinaldo | Marco | | mrinaldo | CPA Student | |||||
03 | James Daniel | Semilla | James | | JDSEMILLA | CPA Student | |||||
04 | Rohil | Rohil | Khakhar | Rohil | | rkkhakhar | CPA Student | ||||
05 | David | Miller | David | | dmiller23 | CPA Student | |||||
06 | Gia Bao | Nguyen | Danny | | gbnguyen | CPA Student | |||||
07 | Hao | Lu | Hao | | thlu1 | CPA Student | |||||
08 | Nigel | Seecharan | Nigel | | nseecharan | CPA Student | |||||
09 | Gillian | Becker | Gillian | | gbecker | CTY Student | |||||
10 | Hyouk Sun | Kwon | HyoukSun | | hskwon | CPA Student | |||||
11 | Hyunji | Lee | Hyunji | | hlee211 | CPA Student | |||||
12 | Rodrigo | Visentini Palmieri | Rodrigo | | rvisentini-palmieri | CPD Student | |||||
13 | Mark-Henry | Tasarra | Mark | | Mntasarra | CPA Student | |||||
14 | Yick Ming | Lam | Dennis | | ymlam7 | CPA Student | |||||
15 | Vien | Luong | Jason | | vluong5 | CPA student | |||||
16 | Elisa | Ng | Elisa | | eng-li | CPA student | |||||
17 | Qi | Shao | Dilys | | qshao5 | CTY student | |||||
18 | Koto | Sumioka | Koto | | ksumioka | CPA Student | |||||
19 | Andriy | Ostapovych | Andriy | | aostapovych | CPA Student | |||||
20 | Shichao | Wang | Shichao | | swang206 | CPA Student | |||||
21 | Luca | Luca | Cataldo | | lcataldo | CPA Student | |||||
22 | Yuming | Ji | Yuming | | yji12 | CPA Student |
Column definitions
- # - Sequential line number
- First Name - Your first name, linked to your Wiki profile page
- Last Name - Your surname
- Preferred name / nickname - The name you like to be called (this might be the same as your first name, or different)
- Seneca LDAP Id - Your Seneca LDAP identifier, used for your Seneca email account, student record access, computer login, server accounts, and so forth.
- Role and Program - Professor, CTY Student, CTYC Student, IFS Student, CDOT Researcher, etc.
Leave these fields blank to start:
- Project - Link to your first SPO600 software package wiki page. Leave blank if you have not selected your SPO600 projects yet.
- Notes Regarding Project - Any comments you have about your project selection.
- Project Approval - Initialed by your professor when your project selection is approved; may also contain a note about comments on the Talk page.
Instructions - Participant Information
Please add your name and Seneca LDAP ID as soon as possible. Link your name to your Wiki user page, and introduce yourself on that page.
Instructions - Marks Review
To request a review of your marks, please: (1) Put an entry in the "Marks Review Requested" column with the appropriate keyword(s): Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec to request a review of the blog marks for the corresponding month, or 1/2/3 to request a review of the corresponding project stage. (2) Send me an email with the details.