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Revision as of 19:54, 18 August 2019 by Chris Tyler (talk | contribs) (Admonitions)
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This page is for experimenting with wiki markup. Hit the "edit" or "view source" button to see the markup for the text; feel free to add and experiment with text on this page.

Here is a link to a page on this wiki: People

Here is a link with a different description: List of people involved in Open Source at Seneca

Here is link to a website: [1] - note the numbered references [2]

Here is a link to a website:

Here is a link to a secure website (https):

Here is a website link with description: Fedora Project

Here is a link to a page on the Fedora wiki: fedora:Main Page

Here is a link to a page on the Fedora wiki with description: Fedora Project main page

italic text

bold text

Bulleted list:

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green

Numbered list:

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March

Various compond lists:

  • Seneca@York
    1. School of Computer Studies
    2. School of Communication Arts
    3. School of Biochemistry
  • Newnham
    • School of Brocolli Slicing
    • School of Fashionistas
    • School of Marshmallow Roasting

Top Heading


Notice that the table-of-contents for this page (above) is automatically built from the sequence of headings and subheadings.

Here is some more text

Sub-sub heading

Foo bar baz


Code Blocks

Including a command or filepath in a block of text.

A block of code:

for X in {1..10}
  echo $X  # Note that you can still use attributes such as bold in a code block

rpm -q packagename

Regular Tables

Column 1 Header Column 2 Header
Row 1 Column 1 Row 1 Column 2
Row 2 Column 1 Row 2 Column 2
Row 3 - Spanning both columns

Table example: Calendar

May 2010
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 - Victoria Day 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

Collapsable Tables

See for information on setting up collapsible tables like this (use the show/hide link to show or hide the contents):

Always displayed header
Optionally displayed text
Optionally displayed text
Optionally displayed text 
Optionally displayed text 
Optionally displayed text!!!!!
Optionally displayed text 


Testing Testing


See Category:Admonition templates

Please take note!
This is how you provide a general note to the user.
This is how you provide a caution note to the user. Note that the symbols looks more like "Never!" than "Caution!".
This is how you provide a important note or warning to the user.
Brilliant piece of advice.
Lab Information
Information about the lab context.
This page may be obsolete.
It contains historical information. For current information, please see Pidora.
This page may be obsolete.
It contains historical information.

Draft Status

This is a draft only!
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on this information.