Meeting Time
Tuesday 3:30-6
- Register Club
- Posting the QA posters
- Web-based access to irc to lower barrier to entry
- User guide to irc
- QA testdays
- Presentation/Material to talk about how to get involved. Agenda of what we want to go around and talk about. Faculty permissions.
- try to do only the most useful and general workshops
- source code took a day
Potential Problems
- People do not know what they want to do. They don't want to work on the browser.
- Joost/Sunbird/Songbird/QA/Web programming/bugzilla/thunderbird/camino
- have them realize what mozilla can offer them. It isn't just the browser
- Make it more social? A place people can hang out and help if they have nothing to do
Other Ideas
- Open Source course - 2 hours a week they can use to get help and help each other in their project
- Write about how we got started, what we did, and what we are doing now.
- Make something tangible, something that they can work with rather than trying to explain it. Demos(?).
- Write an extension to make your life easier.
- talk about what you enjoy most about in your presentation.
- Networking with other people, especially people in your field
- Priority - Open Source course (Chris/Dave), 1st/2nd year students in CPA/BSD