Please create a section here listing your name and the three projects on which you'd like to work. See the Jane Doe entry for an example:
Jane Doe (example)
- Foo extension
- Baz bug fix
- Qux test case
Steve McAvoy
- Firefox Session Saver Extension
- "Avoid loading the same page twice" Extension
- Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
Armen Zambrano
- Firefox's Armenian localization
Rueen Fiez
- "Avoid loading the same page twice" Extension
- Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
- Firefox Session Saver Extension
Vincent Lam
- Localize Mozilla
- Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
- Firefox Session Saver Extension
Kenneth Lee
- Improve Mozilla Application and Platform Documentation
- Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
- Add-on update helper tools for developers
Lukas Blakk
- Mozilla Metrics
- Improve Mozilla Application and Platform Documentation
- Firefox Session Saver Extension
Andrew Fung
- Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
- Improve Mozilla Application and Platform Documentation
- Firefox Session Saver Extension
Dominic Baranski
- Cross-Platform Mozilla Build Farm
- Tinderbox front page improvements
- Buildbot and EC2
Adam Delyea
- Buildbot and EC2
- Cross-Platform Mozilla Build Farm
- Tinderbox front page improvements
AJ Rehman
- Functional Testing
- "Avoid loading the same page twice" Extension
- CSS Guide
Michael Mullin
- Port canvas3d to Mac OS X
- Mozilla Tree Visualization
- Automated Testing