- Reading: Course Text Book: Linux Administration (7th Edition) Chapter 26
- Key Terms:
- NIS Domain Name (use the command domainname to set/view/modify or set at boot time by adding "NISDOMAIN=xxxx" to /etc/sysconfig/network)
- NIS Map files (can be found in /var/yp/$(domainname) )
- NIS Server configuration file /var/yp/Makefile
- NOPUSH - no: has NIS slave server, yes: no slave server
- MINUID, MINGID - for network user accounts
- ypinit - initialize NIS maps
- make -C /var/yp - update NIS maps
- NIS Client configuration file /etc/yp.conf
- Name service switch configuration file /etc/nsswitch.conf
- View NIS Map - ypcat