Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (DAAL)
Team Member
Intro OLD
Local DAAL Examples Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016\windows\daal\examples
New Data:
Parser code:
Low Order Moments:
Our goal is to parse & process this crime data and to add more meaning to said data. Using various parallel techniques taught in the course and comparing them via the DAAL library.
DAAL is a C++ & Java / Scala library for data analytics. It's similar to MKL(Math Kernel Library) with some differences:
- MKL focuses on computation. DAAL focuses on the entire data flow (aquisition, transformation, processing).
- Optimized for all kinds of Intel based devices (from data center to home computers)
DAAL supports 3 processing modes
- Offline Processing (Batch) - Data can fit in memory, data can be processed all at once.
- Online Processing (Streaming) - Data is too big for memory, DAAL processes the data in chunks and combine the partial results for the final result.
- Distributed processing - Distributes data processing. DAAL has not bound the communication method and leaves it to the developer (Hadoop, Spark, MPI etc).
Code Examples
Batch Sorting
CSV Data:
-55.558252,63.051427,-27.793776, -75.622534,61.212279,-16.283311, -86.747071,-28.132241,-17.824316, -34.172101,-51.404172,14.670925, -61.506308,48.248030,-99.235341, 9.746765,-89.879258,55.561778, 48.896723,-32.648097,48.313603, -15.346015,9.769776,-33.483281, 56.726081,-87.272631,8.724224, -1.926802,54.960580,-78.723429, 45.237223,-79.764218,-47.271926, 84.138339,11.547818,-92.962952, 46.711824,-42.623510,-34.664673, 55.813112,19.803475,4.807766, -55.474098,-72.163755,89.425736, -7.566596,-77.829218,58.630172, -76.081937,-12.089445,-44.065054, -25.888944,46.425499,-37.515164, -30.201387,-16.237217,-50.716591, -88.085869,60.136249,54.812866
/* file: sorting_batch.cpp
* Copyright 2014-2016 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.*/
#include "daal.h"
#include "service.h"
using namespace daal;
using namespace daal::algorithms;
using namespace daal::data_management;
using namespace std;
/* Input data set parameters */
string datasetFileName = "../data/batch/sorting.csv";
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
checkArguments(argc, argv, 1, &datasetFileName);
/* Initialize FileDataSource<CSVFeatureManager> to retrieve the input data from a .csv file */
FileDataSource<CSVFeatureManager> dataSource(datasetFileName, DataSource::doAllocateNumericTable, DataSource::doDictionaryFromContext);
/* Retrieve the data from the input file */
/* Create algorithm objects to sort data using the default (radix) method */
sorting::Batch<> algorithm;
/* Print the input observations matrix */
printNumericTable(dataSource.getNumericTable(), "Initial matrix of observations:");
/* Set input objects for the algorithm */
algorithm.input.set(sorting::data, dataSource.getNumericTable());
/* Sort data observations */
/* Get the sorting result */
services::SharedPtr<sorting::Result> res = algorithm.getResult();
printNumericTable(res->get(sorting::sortedData), "Sorted matrix of observations:");
return 0;
The data is sorted from smallest to largest per column.
Data Blocks:
//dataSource.loadDataBlock(5); |
dataSource.loadDataBlock(5); |
"Blocks" of data are being loaded 5 rows at a time. This allows us to easily section off data to process. This is also one way of distributing data to MPI etc.