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Revision as of 12:17, 5 April 2016 by Adrian A Sauvageot (talk | contribs) (Full Program)

Using Apache's Spark

This assignment is dedicated to learning how to use Apache's Spark. I chose to use the programming language Scala because it is the native language Spark was created for.

What Is Scala?

Info on scala can be found at: but in short, scala is a programming language that was created to build scalable applications. It is based off of Java, and can be seamlessly integrated onto a Java virtual machine (JVM).

IDE Used

For this asignment the Scala IDE was used. It can be found here: The IDE is a version of eclipse with Scala built in.

A Team Members

  1. Adrian Sauvageot, All
  2. ...

Email All


This assignment will be going over how to do a simple word count in Scala using Spark.

Setting Up The Scala Environment For Spark

To run a stand alone application on windows, using the Scala IDE, you need to create a Marven project. You do this by clicking File > new > Project > Marven Project. Once the project is created, to use Scala instead of Java, the name of your source file should be refactored from src/main/java to src/main/scala.

From here you need to edit the pom.xml file to include Spark.

You can do this by adding the following code:


When the project is built it will include the Apache Spark files.

Imports In Object

Like Java, Scala uses both classes and objects, to use Spark inside these you must import it by adding the following two lines to the top of the file.

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext

Windows Bug

There is a known bug on windows for Scala where it will not run unless hadoop is installed. This happens even though hadoop is not required for Scala or Spark. To fix this issue, a workaround is to add one of the hadoop exe files to your program.

To do this, I had to download the pre-compiled hadoop file and put it in my C directory. From there I had to add the following line to my file to tell Spark where to find the exe.

    System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "c:\\winutil\\")

Introduction To Spark

To introduce myself to spark I watched a couple of youtube videos that were filmed at a Spark conference. The videos can be found here: They include 7 videos that go over what Spark is, and how it is meant to be used.

In summery Spark is built to run big data across many machines. It is not meant for many transactions, but is meant for the analysis of data.

Spark is built using a RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset). This means that Spark does not edit the data that is passed in, but rather used the data to preform transformations (filters, joins, maps, etc.) and then actions (reductions, counts, etc.)

The results are stored into new datasets instead of altering existing ones.

The RDD's are meant to be stored in memory for quick access, however Spark is built so that if necessary the RDD's can be written to the drive. (At a reduced IO speed).

As mentioned above, there are three main steps in a Spark program. Creation, Transformation, Action.


The creation step is the step in which the data is loaded into the first RDD. This data can be loaded from multiple sources, but for the purpose of this assignment it is loaded from a local text file. In scala, the following line will load a text file into a variable.

val test = sc.textFile("food.txt")


The next step is to transform the data that is in the first RDD into something you want to use. You can do this by using filter, map, union, join, sort, etc. In this example we would like to count the number of times each word is used in a piece of text. The following code snip-it will split the RDD by spaces, and map each word with a key value. The value is set to 1 to count each word as 1.

test.flatMap { line =>
line.split(" ")
    .map { word =>


Finally an action is taken to give the programmer the desired output, for example count, collect, reduce, lookup, save. In this example we want to reduce the RDD on each word by adding the value of the word. To do this we can use:

.reduceByKey(_ + _)

Full Program

To run the program on windows, the following is the main.

object WordCount {
  def main(args: Array[String]) ={
    System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "c:\\winutil\\")

    val conf = new SparkConf()
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    val test = sc.textFile("food.txt")
    test.flatMap { line => 
      line.split(" ")  
    .map { word => 
    .reduceByKey(_ + _)



For the assignment, I wanted to try and create a program that would compare two pieces of text and try to determine if they were written by the same person. To do this I will take the two pieces of text and compare how they were written. This includes looking at the words per sentence, sentences per paragraph, characters per word, number of commas, and the number of colons.

Full Program

object TextCompare {
  def main(args: Array[String]) ={
    System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "c:\\winutil\\")

    val conf = new SparkConf()
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    val text1 = sc.textFile("text1.txt")

    val text2 = sc.textFile("text2.txt")


    val t1WordCount = text1.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).count()
    val t1SplitChars = text1.flatMap(line => line.split(""))

    val t1SentenceCount = t1SplitChars.filter(character => character.matches("[.!?]")).count()
    val t1CommaCount = t1SplitChars.filter(character => character.matches("[,]")).count()
    val t1ColonCount = t1SplitChars.filter(character => character.matches("[:;]")).count()
    val t1CharacterCount = t1SplitChars.count()
    val t1ParagraphCount = t1SplitChars.filter(character => character.matches("[\n]")).count()

