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This wiki page describes the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for releasing LEAP like packaging-related processes. It also includes packaging standards, common fixes, patch resources, and debugging methods.

Package building

Fetching source

Source packages are located under 7.x folder on There are several types of repository:

Base packages
Package updates
Extra packages such as docker, cockpit, golang, etc.

Source rpms can only be downloaded through yum or curl/wget, since there is no Rsync repository for Centos source rpms.

Determine problem

If a package fails to be built on Koji, there are several possibilities causing it:

  • Package name is not added to the pkg list of the tag
  • Package only supports the architectures on ExclusiveArch list in the spec file
  • Same version of the package already existed on Koji
  • Repository of the build-tag is being regenerated or broken
  • Package spec contains RHEL or CentOS specific rpm macros
  • Missing Dependency
  • Package has to be patched in order to be built on AArch64 platform

Common errors and solutions

build.log - Code compilation error
Reason: Certain depended library is too old
Solution: Try to build all other packages and then rebuild this one
build.log - Cannot detect system type
Reason: The software uses outdated config.guess and config.sub to autodetect system type
Solution: Replace both files in the source with the latest online version. See
build.log - Unknown system type
Reason: The software only allows it to be built with kernel 2.6/3.x
Solution: Add 4.x support to the system checking script
BuildError No matching arches were found
Reason: Package only supports the architectures on ExclusiveArch list in the spec file
Solution: Checkout the package on Fedora ARM Koji and CentOS AArch64 repo and determine whether the package is possible to support AArch64 or not


  1. Previous build of the package
  2. CentOS AArch64 repo:
  3. Fedora ARM Koji:
  4. CentOS git repo (for reverting CentOS changes):
  5. GOOGLE!

More coming ...