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Revision as of 21:09, 3 February 2016 by Glaser King San Lo (talk | contribs)
Seneca-Specific SOP
This SOP is specific to the environment at Seneca CDOT since it refers to specific hosts, configurations, and tools. It is intended solely as a reference for the OSTEP team at CDOT, but the content may be useful to readers in other contexts.


This page covers all the Hyperkitty/Postorius/Mailman3 maintenance information for IRCC instance. All the services are running inside a docker container.


Login to a running container

1. Login to colo server and become root

ssh colo
sudo -i

2a. Run under the root home folder. The script should automatically attach a running container, or start a new container if there is no container is running.


2b. Manually attach to running container

# Checkout container name
docker ps
# Attach to the Hyperkitty docker container
docker attach <container_name>

3. Now you should get the bash prompt inside the container

Start a new container

1. Login to colo server and become root

ssh colo
sudo -i

2a. Run under the root home folder. The script should automatically attach a running container, or start a new container if there is no container is running.


2b. Manually start a new container

# Checkout the latest image name
docker images
# Start a container
docker run -it -p <IP_ADDRESS>:80:80 \
                       -p <IP_ADDRESS>:443:443 \
                       -p <IP_ADDRESS>:25:25 \
                       --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
                       --add-host \
                       --add-host \
                       --add-host \
                       --add-host \
                       <IMAGE_NAME> bash

3. Run the following scripts inside the container

# Mount the SAN and start backup scripts in the background
# Start postfix, mailman ,and httpd
hk start


All the backups files are located under /Volume3/backup/colo on our SAN, mounted on /mnt/backup inside the container.

There are several directories under /Volume3/backup/colo:

ircc_backups: compressed data backups of Mailman3, Postorius, Hyperkitty, and Mediawiki

ircc_logs: latest log files of the backup scripts

ircc_programs: Program files of Mailman3, Postorius, Hyperkitty, and Mediawiki (Manually backed up)