Automated PXE installation
Perform a automated kickstart installation of LEAP using the current repos.
Update Repository Information
On the builder perform the following configurations
1. edit /etc/yum.repos.d/LEAP.repo 2. disable leap repository:
3. disable leap-updates repository:
4. add the following repositories:
#----- Koji repository [leap-bb1] name=LEAP-$releasever - Koji bb1 baseurl=http://blue/kojifiles/repos/bb1/latest/aarch64/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 #----- Koji addon repository [leap-bb1addon] name=LEAP-$releasever - Koji bb1addon baseurl=http://blue/kojifiles/repos/bb1addon/latest/aarch64/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0
5. clean the old repository information:
sudo yum clean all
Install Builder Packages
Perform updates on existing packages and install required koji builder packages.
1. Install the koji builder package
sudo yum install koji-builder
2. Update to latest package set(this is a lot of updates)
sudo yum update
Copy Koji Files
Copy the koji certificates for the build and the configuration files.
- . From blue, copy /etc/pki/koji/[builder].pem to the [builder]:/etc/pki/koji/
- . From blue, copy /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt to the [builder]:/etc/pki/koji/
- . From blue, copy /etc/kojid/kojid.conf to the [builder]:/etc/kojid/kojid.conf
- . On the [builder], edit the file /etc/kojid/kojid.conf and change the user to the name of the builder
- . On the [builder], create the following link setup: