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CNS / CTY Curriculum Development

Revision as of 19:01, 23 January 2015 by Msaul (talk | contribs)



Use a WIKI Framework to assist in CNS/CTY Curriculum development. This WIKI will branch out into several streams for analysis / development:

The Challenge:

Curriculum development can seem like a daunting task! On one hand, it is important for curriculum to grow and develop in order to take advantage of changing trends and help to better train our students for industry. On the other hand, great care must be taken to not make changes in course curriculum without considering the impact on other courses, and to make certain that content and learning skills are maintained in the learning outcomes for courses until a major curriculum review and possible curriculum revisions are warranted. Other challenges include limited time frames for all faculty to meet at the same time to discuss curriculum issues.

This WIKI's Approach:

This WIKI hopes to encourage on-line repository of OPS stream course discussions to provide to help view all courses and to foster communication between faculty members. Faculty members can simply view and contribute freely to the the curriculum discussion. To help keep the discussion on track, a Triage framework has will be used to prioritize suggested improvements into short-term, long-term, and wish-list categories. In this way, faculty can sort out easy to perform changes or "tweaks" to courses and foster discussion among courses in the OPS stream. It is hoped that this method allows for transparency, and allows for an encouraging and welcoming area for faculty to make suggestions / improvements to course curriculum.
Faculty members (new hires and existing) can be directed to this site when teaching these courses for the first time to help gain the fundamental importance of the course curriculum, to note the importance of flow between the streaming courses, and to perhaps integrate this knowledge into their course delivery to provide students with forward linkages (i.e. a "heads-up") of why the current course content topics are essential to their success in the CNS/CTY programs.