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OPS235 - Curriculum Discussion

Revision as of 14:52, 7 January 2015 by Msaul (talk | contribs)

OPS235 Course Discussion

Course Overview (Purpose)

Course Linkages

  • ULI101 (Prerequisite)
  • OPS335 (Upon successful completion of OPS235)

Common Concerns (Professor Observation)

  • OPS335
  1. Linux Commands. Students are not intuitively using the commands that they were exposed to in ULI101 and used in OPS235.
  • OPS435
  • OPS535

Course Improvement Suggestions

  • Short-Term
  1. Linux Commands. Try to bridge the gap of Linux commands throughout the OPS235 / OPS335 / OPS435 / OPS535 stream. Recommended for Winter 2015 semester to allow students to add previous reference sheets and/or lab log-books to existing material.
    (For example, allow ULI101 reference sheet to be added to OPS235 lab logbook, OPS335 contains OPS235 lab logbook notes plus ULI101 reference sheet, etc). Would it be worthwhile to print empty ULI101 reference sheet with already created section headers so they can place commands in required area (students associate the type of tool to refer to get the job done)...
  • Long-Term
  • Wish List

Instructor's Resources (suggestions) for OPS235

Additional Resources