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Revision as of 15:49, 17 November 2014 by Rchan (talk | contribs) (Get OpenShift Origin)



  1. Try OpenShift Online
  2. Get OpenShift Origin


Try OpenShift Online

You can try out OpenShift for free with OpenShift Online. Just sign up for an OpenShift Online account and create your first application in minutes. You need to provide a valid email address when signing up for an OpenShift online account.

Create a WordPress App on your free gear with your first name as part of the site title. e.g. "Raymond's OPS535".

Show the URL of your WordPress App URL to your professor.

Get OpenShift Origin

There are two ways to implement OpenShift on your own hardware:

Try the first option using a VM in you CentOS 6.x host and show it to your professor.

The second option will take some times and efforts to complete. You can try it out when you have time during the holidays.