GPU621/DPS921 Student Resources
GPU621/DPS921 | Participants | Groups and Projects | Resources | Glossary
The purpose of this page is to share useful information that can help groups with their projects.
Installation Notes
Cilk Plus
- Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate | Select Software Downloads | Go To Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate 1.49GB | Download iso | Burn, if error burn again | Finally, install
- CUDA Downloads
- Visual Studio IDE Settings for .cu files
- Project -> Build Customizations -> Select CUDA 5.5
- Source file -> Properites -> Item Type -> CUDA C/C++
- Project -> Properties -> Configuration -> VC++ Directories -> $(CUDA_PATH_INC); $(CUDA_PATH_LIB);
- Project -> Properties -> Configuration -> Linker -> Input -> cudart.lib