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Team 5 Bugs Report

Revision as of 16:54, 6 November 2013 by Yiqi Liu (talk | contribs)
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  • On local machine (Windows), while compiling with GCC,
   ncursor.h : No such file or directory

(GNU library not existing on Windows platform by default)

  • String Overlapping during strncpy() causing memory corruption.
     if ((int)strlen(str)>fieldLen){
       char * strOut;
       //strOut = new char[fieldLen + 1];
       strncpy(strOut, str, fieldLen);
       // ...
       //delete [] strOut;

( Commented being the fix)

Bug Report (Tai Nguyen/25/09/2013) - display function completed, no bugs found - edit function problem

Objective: move cursor left and right with arrow keys (LEFT, RIGHT)
Issue: when typing, cannot insert correct values and cannot use left and right keys

Solution: Using arrays to store the current positions causes issues with the console input.. not sure why.. but when removed array - currPos and used normal variable int to store the row and column current position it worked...

 code attempt: 
  console.getPosition(currPos[0], currPos[1]);
  console >> key;
 if(key >= ' ' && key <= '~'){
  console << key;
 }else if(key == LEFT){
  console.setPosition(currPos[0], currPos[1] - 1);
 }else if(key == RIGHT){
  console.setPosition(currPos[0], currPos[1] + 1);
}while(key != ESCAPE);
However if re-written as, it performs as desired:
 console >> key;
 if(key >= ' ' && key <= '~'){
  console << key;
 }else if(key == LEFT){
  console.getPosition(currPos[0], currPos[1]);
  console.setPosition(currPos[0], currPos[1] - 1);
 }else if(key == RIGHT){
  console.getPosition(currPos[0], currPos[1]);
  console.setPosition(currPos[0], currPos[1] + 1);
}while(key != ESCAPE);

Bug Report (Tai Nguyen/Yiqi 28/09/2013) - We noticed a problem on putty/ssh that the home button key does not register in the a1test.cpp compile run