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Avahi Configuration for Pidora

Revision as of 20:08, 9 October 2013 by Skullhat (talk | contribs) (Goals by Release)

Avahi Configuration for Pidora

Project Description

Avahi (zeroconf) enables discovery of computers without DNS or IP numbers. This project involves configuring Avahi for use on the Raspberry Pi, so that other computers can connect to it by name without DNS support. This configuration must then be packaged in such a way that it can be included in the Pidora composes without causing conflicts.

Project Leader

Taylor Barras (tsbarras)

Project Contributor(s)


Project Details

Since the Raspberry Pi utlizies the same NIC throughout its two models, I predict that getting avahi to work should only be a matter of customizing the configuration files to fit the hardware on install (unless this is done automatically, like while running a configuration).

My main resource will be the Avahi website and the references that are linked to from that page.

DNS Service Discovery

Multicast DNS


General Info on MDNS

Project Plan


For tracking I plan to use github. My github is located here.

Key contacts

None yet

Goals by Release

Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:

  • 0.1

• Avahi working

• Automatic configuration working or near completed

  • 0.2

• Automatic configuration completed

• Avahi packaged

• Successful build on ARMv6

  • 0.3

• RPM package in Pidora repo/distribution


Mailing Lists

Unsubcribed because Seneca outlook would not sort these email into a separate folder.

Upstream Wiki and Web


Avahi Bug Tracking System

Source Code Control

To be added soon.


Non-Seneca Participants


Planet CDOT

Project News

I will be purchasing a Raspberry Pi and the equipment required to begin my project within the coming week or two.