Building a Fedora Kickstart DVD
- Install Fedora 9 (from supplied DVD) onto /dev/sdb in lab T2107
- Choose a PC with only one network card
- Create an account named clown with password seneca99
- Set seneca99 as the root password
- Set the timezone to Toronto
- Install the default set of packages
- Login to this new installation and install k3b and isomaster
- Use k3b to make an ISO image on the HD from the DVD
- Use isomaster and add /root/anaconda-ks.cfg (naming it ks.cfg) to a new ISO image
- Use k3b to burn the new image to a blank DVD
- Use the new DVD to perform an automated install on another lab PC
- You'll have to add "ks=cdrom" to the install boot prompt
- Write a blog about your experience and send a notification to your teacher when done
Please see the discussion page to see a lovely detail procedure (Nes)