Object Oriented Programming II Using C++ with introduction to open source
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[hide]OOP344 -- Object Oriented Programming II Using C++
Subject Description and Course Outcomes
- Please visit the School Of Computer Studies website for the detailed description of the subject
The Project
The project for this semester is a multi-platform, text-based application and is done using opensource concepts.
Check Project 20112 - OOP344 for details.
Exam Schedule
- Date: Thursday August 18, 2011,
- ROOM: T3075
- TIME: 11:30
- Tests
- Test 1 10%
- Test 2 10%
- Project 40%
- IO Library ??%
- Application ??%
- Contribution and Participation and Quizzes ??%
- Final Exam 40%
- Class notes can be found here: svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344 (userid: oop344, no password)
- Practical Open Source Software Exploration
- How To edit Wiki pages
- How To edit Wiki Cheatsheet
- Subversion (SVN)
- Download Page of TortoiseSVN
- TortoiseSVN Documentation
- SVN book at red-bean.com or downloadthe PDF from here.
- Mac Lab Available in 2108 as well as in the Computing Commons*
- IRC Basics
- IRC Tutorial
- Colloquy an IRC Client for Mac
- RapidSVN a SVN Client for Mac
- Changing Tab Key Behaviour in Certain IDEs
- AnkhSVN - Free Visual Studio SVN Integration Alternative To VisualSVN
Examples and In-class Notes
svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344 (userid: oop344, no password)
Class notes, samples, tests, ... 2001 -> now
checkout svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344/tags for all the notes since 2001 (Userid: oop344 | Password: blank)
OOP344 20093
OOP344 - 20101
OOP344 - 20102
OOP344 - 20103
OOP344 - 20111
OOP344 - 20112