DPS905 Kaitlyn ParticleEffects
************************************************************************************************** ** Particles * ************************************************************************************************** * April 2011 * By Kaitlyn Callow ( KaitlynCallow.com | dacallow@learn.senecac.on.ca ) * For DPS905, Professor Chris Szalwinski **************************************************************************************************
Add the following files to your project:
- Particle.cpp
- Particle.h
- ParticleGenerator.cpp
- ParticleGenerator.h
- ParticleVertexList.cpp
- ParticleVertexList.h
Append onto the bottom of your existing Effects.fx file the contents of the following file:
Modify your files making the following changes:
Modify iObject.h:
- Add to Class iObject...
//added for particle effects / animations virtual void update(int now) = 0;
- At the bottom of the file iObject.h add...
extern "C" iObject* CreateParticleGenerator(float _generatorlifespan, float _particlelifespan, float _particlespawnrate, float _spawnpositiondispersion, float _theta, float _startingspeed, Colour _startcolour, Colour _endcolour, float _frequencycolour, float _startsize, float _endsize, float _frequencysize, Vector _startgravity, Vector _endgravity, float _frequencygravityvertical, float _frequencygravityhorizontal, float _startalpha, float _endalpha, float _frequencyalpha, Colour* c, float* p);
Modify Object.h
- Add to Class Object...
void update(int now) { /* do nothing, added for particle effects & animations */ }