GAM670 Slap Your Grandma
GAM670/DPS905 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources
Manitoba Jones
Project Marking Percentage
Group work: 40% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 60% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
Team Members
Name | IRC Nickname | Responsibilities | learn ID |
Denny Papagiannidis | dennyp | Texture Techniques | dpapagia |
Sasha Atijas | Sash0400 | Advanced Force Feedback | satijas |
Dan Ventura | danman | dsventura |
repo path
The Project
The Game
- We will be continuing work on our game from last semester
Room for Improvement
- The game needs collision detection and imported models
- Further refinement of in game models such as the boulder
- Improve textures for objects within the game
- Improve camera movement
- Refine current, and add more, obstacles(i.e. A wizard appears)
Group Meetings
- Thursdays at 11:40 am