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< User:Minooz
Revision as of 12:19, 15 October 2010 by Minooz (talk | contribs) (Scripting)
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Repositories' Syncing

Version Control Tool

  • comparing popular version control tools [1]
  1. Mercurial My notes on -> Min Mercurial
  2. CVS
  3. SVN
  4. Git

Continuous Integration System

  1. Hudson My notes on -> Min Hudson
  2. Cruise Control My notes on -> Min Cruise Control
  3. Buildbot My notes on -> Min Buildbot
  4. Apache Continuum
  5. Maven
  6. Anthill


  1. Ant My notes on -> Min Ant
We can create a new ant script e.g. buildHudson.xml that triggers the target(assign1.test) of main build file(build.xml) of the project. See below:
<project name="assign1" basedir="." default="myTarget">
  <target name="">
    <!-- Call the target that does everything -->
    <ant antfile="build.xml" target="assign1.test"/>
  <target name="myTarget.check" depends="">
    <echo>The was called!</echo>


  1. I was receiving an error message while trying to do a new build on Hudson. It didn't let to clone the project on Hudson workspace. The error message is "Access is denied". So I had to delete the project and create a new one. Apparently one of the reasons is that Hudson doesn't let you queue the jobs. So, if you interrupt a job that is scheduled, you'll get the error message.