BTP300A Team 2 Bugs Report

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TEAM 2 - Pedro Bellesa || David Gousvaris

Week 1

Reading Assignment documents.

Week 2

Working on Display function.
 * Problems with cursor positioning.

Week 3

Display Function working.
Working on Edit function:
    * Not sure how to use curPosition and strOffset.

Week 4

Working on Edit function:
    * RIGHT, LEFT and BACKSPACE working.
    * HOME, END and exit keys working.
    * Correctly using curPosition and strOffset after changing logic (sending pointers to display function).
    * Problems over-striking characters in field.

Sept 28/13:

    * Over-striking works properly, minus trying to type something at the very end of the string(most likely a memory leak).
    * END button was not working as intended(was going to position 28 instead of 27) in the event strlen was 27 [FIXED].