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WonderCode 20123 - OOP344

Revision as of 23:08, 5 November 2012 by Linpei Fan (talk | contribs) (0.2 Milestone (Due Fri 9th))

WonderCode (Team 2)

Project Marking Percentage

  • due immediately

Group work:      40%        (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: 60% +      (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total           100%


Team Members

First Name Last Name Section Seneca Id Github ID wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Guiwen Chen B gchen42 Github:guiwen Guiwen Chen chgw Guiwen's Blog
Linpei Fan B lfan9 Github:lilyfan Linpei Fan Lilyaj Learning Path to Software Development
Hye Young (Rody) Choi B hychoi6 Github:rodychoi Hye Young Choi RodyChoi Happy Life
Diao Qiang He A dqhe1 Github:diaoqianghe Diao Qiang He Antares Diao Qiang He's Blog
Jie Ming (Jay) Feng B jmfeng1 Github:jayfeng Jie Ming Feng jayfeng Blue Jay C++

Issues and Status

0.2 Milestone (Due Fri 9th)

  1. Add console class to project and test with cio_test (issue 1) (by Linpei Fan and reviewed by Guiwen Chen)
  2. Create Mock-up classes
    Create the class files (header and cpp) with blank methods and make sure they compile
    1. CField Mock-up Class (issue 2.1) (by Guiwen Chen and reviewed by Linpei Fan)
    2. CLabel Mock-up Class (issue 2.2) (by Linpei Fan and reviewed by Rody Choi)
    3. CDialog Mock-up Class (issue 2.3) (by Rody Choi and reviewed by Diaoqiang He)
    4. CLineEdit Mock-up Class (issue 2.4) (by Diaoqiang He and reviewed by JieMing Feng)
    5. CButton Mock-up Class (issue 2.5) (by Jieming Feng and reviewed by Guiwen Chen)
    6. CValEdit Mock-up Class (issue 2.6) (by Guiwen Chen and reviewed by Lipei Fan)
    7. CCheckMark Mock-up Class (issue 2.7)(by Linpei Fan and reviewed by Rody Choi)
    8. CText
      1. Add Text Class to the project (issue 2.8.1) (by Rody Choi and reviewed by Diaoqiang He)
      2. CText Mock-up Class (issue 2.8.2) (by Diaoqiang He and reviewed by Jieming Feng)
    9. CCheckList Mock-up Class (issue 2.9) (by Jieming Feng and reviewed by Guiwen Chen)

0.X Milestone

  • Assigned to: FULLNAME
  • Code review by: FULLNAME
  • Status:
    (being developed/pull request/being reviewed/pushed to master)
  • comments:

Coding Rules

  • Data members in any classes start with underscore(_);
  • Use meaningfully variable name;
  • Comment properly;
  • Use 4 spaces for each indentation;
  • Define each variable in a new line;
  • Keep functions simple and clear;



  • Does anyone know where methods _frame->draw() or draw() in void CFrame::refresh() comes from? I cannot find it in Bconsole or Console. In CFrame, there is a draw(int) method. But I am not sure if it calls draw(int). --> Hey Lily, if you click F12 on the draw() text, you can see the function's definition,(maybe you already know that) so I think _frame->draw() comes from CFrame::draw(). If you have other opinion, let me know. ^^