This page is to efficiently manage our group assignments!
Member List
First Name | Last Name | wiki id | Learn e-mail | Phone |
YuJin | Jeong | yujin.jeong | yjeong | 647 - 863 - 5555 |
Seung Yeon | Moon | saadism | symoon | (647) 678 - 6511 |
Li Shi | Zhou |
Assignment 2 (worth 10%)
Due Date
Friday, December 2nd, X:XXpm
Assignment 1 (worth 10%)
Due Date
Friday, October 21st, X:XXpm Printout submission only( SELECT Statements + ALL outputs)
SELECT department_id, department_name, RPAD(TRIM(NVL(city, 'Not Assinged Yet')), 25, ' ') "City", COUNT(DISTINCT job_id) "# of Jobs" FROM employees RIGHT OUTER JOIN departments USING (department_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN locations USING (location_id) GROUP BY department_id, department_name, city;
Seung Yeon
SELECT department_id, department_name, SUBSTR(NVL(city,'Not Assigned Yet'),1,25) City, COUNT(DISTINCT job_id) "# of Jobs" FROM locations l RIGHT OUTER JOIN departments d USING (location_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN employees e USING (department_id) GROUP BY department_id, department_name, city /
Li Shi
select department_id, department_name, substr(nvl(city,'Not Assigned Yet'),1,25) City, count(distinct job_id) "# of Jobs" from employees right outer join departments using (department_id) left outer join locations using (location_id) group by department_id, department_name, city
SELECT department_id, department_name, SUBSTR(NVL(city, 'Not Assinged Yet'),1, 25) "City", COUNT(DISTINCT job_id) "# of Jobs" FROM employees RIGHT OUTER JOIN departments USING (department_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN locations USING (location_id) GROUP BY department_id, department_name, city;