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FSOSS 2011/Meetings/2011-05-12

Revision as of 20:51, 14 September 2011 by Mary-lynn.manton (talk | contribs) (Action Points: September 14 meeting)

Proposed Schedule

Thu Oct 27

  • Workshops
  • Food
    • Morning snack (workshop hallway)
    • Afternoon snack (workshop hallway)
    • (Speaker's dinner)

T2107 T2108 T2109 T2110
Beginner's Guide to Linux Kernel Programming Mapping Digital Stories with Ushahidi cell cell
Beginner's Guide to Linux Kernel Programming cell LPI Item Cleanup Workshop

T2107 T2108 T2109 T2110
Popcorn Maker Android Development - Web Service and Data Access Five Secrets to Building Drupal Themes Faster cell
Popcorn Maker Android Development - Web Service and Data Access cell cell

Fri Oct 28

  • Presentations
  • Keynote
  • Reception
  • Exhibits
  • Food
    • Morning snack (break room)
    • Lunch
    • Afternoon snack (break room)
    • Reception

S1206 S2169 S2160 S1208
Paladin: Open source gaming for the web FreeNAS 8: Open Source Storage for the Enterprise Writing, Debugging, and analyzing C/C++ Linux Aplications in Eclipse Lecture Broadcast and Capture with BigBlueButton
Building a Commercial Game Using Processing.js for Cross-platform Delivery Un-bork your hardware: bake it! Nostalgic About the Future: the challenges of open source entrepreneurship
Web Accessibiity Development Tools in Action Beyond MAN Pages: 3 Things to Make your Open Source Project a User Favourtine looking deep into the cloud with systemtap XBMC: Turn your house into a media center with open source software

S1206 S2169 S2160 S1208
Drupal vs. Wordpress Smackdown Publish Your Own ebooks with FOSS Tools Free and Open Source Strategy as Practice: Participant Perspectives Comparing Unity and Gnome 3
Site Building Extravaganza XB PointSteam: Rendering Point Clouds with WebGL
Consumer, Creator, Cloud: The Future of Computing, and the Role of Open Source

Sat Oct 29

  • Presentations
  • Unconference/barcamp
  • Exhibits
  • Food
    • Morning snack (break room)
    • Lunch
    • Afternoon snack (break room)

S2169 S1208 S2160 S1206
Popcorn.js & Popcorn-Maker Ubuntu Canada: Communitizing the Community with Community Tools
FreeBSD Basics Introduction to Mozilla's Add-on SDK Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - Software the Wiki way Introduction to the Google Android Platform
Care Multilingual Sites and Translation Management in Drupal When you cannot be there... Remote access and collaboration Packaging made easy with Fedora Packager for Eclipse

LPI Certification Exam Session

Event Name

  • Long form:
10th Free Software and Open Source Symposium
and Toronto LinuxFest 2011
  • Short form:
FSOSS/LinuxFest 2011


  • See sponsorship document from previous years (foundation for this year)
  • Exhibit option
    • 6' table (or equivalent space)
    • 5A 120V power
    • 2 chairs

Community Groups

  • $75
  • Includes 2 passes
  • Half-table in the community literature hall

Sponsorship Levels

  • See sponsorship spreadsheet

Presentation and Workshop Proposals

  • Update CFP wording
  • Friday - Technical Focus
    • 4 tracks x 6 slots
  • Saturday - User Focus
    • 4 tracks x ? slots


Open to any and all topics related to open source!

This year, we particularly welcome talks on open source :

  • Cloud & Virtualization
  • Mobile
  • Open Source Business Models and Commercialization
  • Open Hardware
  • Green IT

Talks can be targeted at any audience level from neophyte to expert.

First round of submissions closes June 30.

Keynote Possibilities

  • Linus Torvalds (Linux) ***
  • Mark Surman (Mozilla) (CT)
  • Mark Shuttleworth (Canonical) (CT)
  • Shawn Powers (Linux Journal) (DA)
  • Andrew Morton (Linux) (CT)
  • Larry Wall (Perl) ***
  • Eben Moglen (SFLC) ***
  • Michael Geist (UofO) (CT)
  • Michael Shaver (Mozilla) (CT)
  • Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media) (CT)
  • Evan Prodromou ( (DA)
  • Jim Whitehurst (Red Hat) (CT)
  • Alan Cox (Intel) (CT)
  • Jon "Maddog" Hall (Linux International) (CT)

Action Points: May 12 meeting

  • Sponsorship package update and distribution to team: chairs Done
  • Distribute package to contacts: team Done
  • Tracking: Tim & Sam Nothing to report at this time
  • Sponsorship management: Tim Done
  • Logo update: Chris Nothing to report at this time
  • CFP: John Done
  • Check on old computer drop-off point: Evan Done - will be confirmed/arranged closer to event

Action Points: June 23 meeting

  • Distinguished speaker update - All Outstanding - need to make contact with more potential sponsors: ALL
  • Where we stand with sponsorships - All
  • Tim's update:
- Mozilla have been contacted but issue with name provided as they are no longer with the company; may finally have correct contact
- Microsoft contacted: no response
- Seneca Professional Development contacted and want to set it up as a PD event
- TUG have been contacted - meeting week of June 27th inviting them to attend and looking for sponsors
- Suggested by John Selmys to go after private companies (e.g. Apotex). John S. to draft a personalized form letter for team to use to distribute to companies
  • Review presentation/workshop submissions recieved to-date - MLM
- No presenters/workshop sign up's so far. MLM change early bird date to be July 25. ALL need to communicate this please to your communities
- MLM to contact all past presenters
- Sam to contact past Linuxfest presenters
  • Status of registration system - Danny/Rose
- Two conference registration solutions identified. To be followed up within next couple of weeks.
- Sam to provide other registration solution contacts.
  • Facility Bookings - Rose
- Rooms S1208, S1206, S1269, S2160, upper and lower kalidescope rooms (S2168, S1209) booked for Friday/Saturday and TEL labs (T2107, T2108, T2110, T2109) booked for Thursday for workshops. All Saturday bookings to be confirmed in September when Continuing Education schedule in place.
- Rose to let facilities know event is scheduled
- Suggested that vendors not be permitted at this time (concentrate on the various sponsorship levels instead)
  • Swag suggestions - MLM/Rose
- One suggested was for USBs. To be investigated and discussed at next meeting
  • Any other business:
- Posters: Done and copies made available at meeting. If you wish copies, contact Rose. Rose to contact York to have posters posted.
- T-shirts: Michael Hoye contacted by Rose. Design should be ready in August (although before next meeting would be better)
- Marketing/Advertising: All need to promote event (through copies of posters received)

Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 27th 6:00pm-9:00pm, same room

Action Points: August 24 meeting

Attendees: Sammy, Ushnish, John, Mary Lynn, Rose, Tim (via phone)

  • Distinguished speaker update Nothing to report
  • Update on sponsorship
- Tim requested information to provide to sponsor: MLM to provide
- Microsoft inquired about coordinating our event with the other events for open source week. John S to follow up with getting the opensource website updated with this years events.
- Microsoft have asked to cross advertise our events (they have access to our attendee/presenter list and we there's. MLM indicated that in the spirit of opensource that our attendees/presenters may not appreciate being contacted directly by MS. Tim to let MS know.
- Microsoft have requested putting their 'Make Web Not War' logo available on our site as advertisers (instead of MS logo). Approved.
  • Review of presentation/workshop submissions
- All presentations/workshops submitted by August 24th were reviewed. MLM to open up approvied ones. MLM and John following up on a few to request more information on their submission.
  • t-shirt design. Not available for meeting. Will be available for the next meeting.
  • Swag for attendees and speakers. Not done yet. MLM and Rose to look into this for next meeting.
  • Registration
- Set cost for early bird Seneca/non-Seneca attendees as well as late fee cost. Decided on the following: Early Bird cut off date will be October 8th. Before early bird: $20 for students and Seneca faculty; $40 for general admission. After early bird: $40 for students and Seneca faculty; $85 for general admission. Walk in price day-of event: $120. Issue still outstanding on how to handle those that are unable to afford to attend.
- HST - build into fee cost or charge extra? HST will be included in the price but will be shown separately on the receipt confirmation.
  • Any other business
- 1 room still yet to be confirmed for Saturday. Will know once Con Ed courses have been confirmed.
- new volunteer shirts to be made up (new colour!)

Next Meetings: Wednesday, September 14 and Wednesday, October 5

Action Points: September 14 meeting


  • Distinguished speaker update
  • Update on sponsorship
- PVX Plus Technologies (Silver)
  • Review of presentation/workshop submissions - preliminary schedule
  • t-shirt design.
  • Swag for attendees and speakers
- Presenters (budget $25)
- last year: water bottle/padfolio/business card holder/t-shirt
- Attendees (budget $12)
- last year: water bottle/t-shirt
- Suggestions for this year:
- Presenters (budget $25)
- t-shirt
- water bottle 28oz stainless steel (EPWB7331) $6.55 or 16 oz for $4.75 (EPWB7075)
- carry bag $2.78 ea + $45 1-time art chrge) (EPNW4787) or ($3 ea + $45 1-time art chrge) (EPNW4057)
- pen $.58 (EPG1192)
- clipboard $7.95 (EP0550-02)
- Attendees (budget $12)
- t-shirt
- water bottle (see above)
- pen (see above)
- carry bag (see above)
  • Registration status
- approximately 15 registrations received to-date
- outstanding from August meeting: how to handle those that are unable to pay
- AndroidTO coupon
- speaker liaison
- volunteer 'supervisor' Paulette
  • Any other business
- SecTor
- Unconference Responsibility