My Applied Research Log

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Revision as of 16:55, 26 March 2011 by Peter.liu (talk | contribs) (Week 9)
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Week 1

1/12/2011 (Wed)

  • NexJ project team meeting

1/15/2011 (Sat)

Week 2

1/18/2011 (Tue)

1/19/2011 (Wed)

1/20/2011 (TH)

  • NexJ Coding Standards received from Grace
  • Checkd out the code base of the PostgreSQLAdapter project from the mercurial repository
    • build errors encountered

Week 3

1/24/2011 (Mon)

  • ran the JUnit test PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest on my laptop (vs the CDOT desktop)
    • errors encountered

1/25/2011 (Tue)

1/26/2011 (Wed)

1/27/2011 (Friday)

  • met with Grace to understand how he has used JUnit tests to guide his research and coding process

Week 4

2/09/2011 (Mon)

  • met with Jordan and Dawn to discuss about two projects that have been approved by NexJ

2/11/2011 (Wed)

  • checked out Revision 28 from the code repository, ran PostgreSQLSchemaMangerTest and PostgreSQLAdapterTest
  • uploaded the JUnit testing results (the current status of the project)
  • reviewed NexJ Developer's Guide (coding standard)

Week 5

2/07/2011 (Mon)

  • posted the summary of JUnit errors on PostgreSQLAdatperTest

2/09/2011 (Wed)

Week 6

2/16/2011 (Wed)

  • code review of PostgreSQLSchemaManager: 1st iteration
  • team meeting
    • work with Tung: his timeline
    • investigate testRead in PostgreSQLAdapterTest
at org.postgresql.ds.jdbc23.AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection$StatementHandler.invoke(
    at $Proxy2.setString(Unknown Source)
    at nexj.core.rpc.sql.ra.SQLManagedConnection$SQLPreparedStatement.setString(
    at nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLAdapter$1.setValue(
    at nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLCursor.query(
    ... 26 more
  • action: postgresql source code received from Grace

2/17/2011 (Th)

  • revision 39 was pulled
    • testRead has a different failure trace (problem with serialized representation of readCollectionWhere.xml)
Test object does not match the serialized representation at
  • Vogella's tutorial on GWT [1]

Week 7

2/23/2011 (Wed)

  • code review of PostgreSQLSchemaManager (revision 45) : 2nd iteration
  • team meeting
    • work with Tung: a list of problems encountered

Week 9

3/08/2011 (Tue)

  • 2 JUnit errors encountered on running revision 76 on my laptop

3/09/2011 (Wed)

  • team meeting
  • meet with Tung to understand his deployment problems
  • draft Applied Research Summary on the PostgreSQLAdapter project

Week 10

3/16/2011 (Wed)

  • team meeting


  • downloaded NexJ Studio Express (v 7.1) from Open Health Tools and tried to install it on my laptop

Week 11

3/23/2011 (Wed)

  • team meeting
  • solving the problems of installing NexJ Studio Express (v 7.1) on my laptop
  • mentoring Tung on creating a GWT application, based on Grace's sample application

3/26/2011 (Sat)

  • released Applied Research Summary

Week 12

Common Problems and Solutions