Edubuntu DVD installation

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Revision as of 16:50, 26 February 2011 by Msaul (talk | contribs)
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Current Install Information

Current OS Release: Edubuntu 10.10 (with LTSP support)
Date Installed: Feb. 26th, 2011
Installed by: Murray Saul

General Installation Layout

How to Upgrade Versions of Edubuntu

An Edubuntu installation DVD (version 10.10) should be located in the the same location as the LTSP server. Distrubutions (versions) of Ubuntu including Edubuntu are released twice a year in April and October. The release uses the last two digits of the year followed by a period, then followed by the month number.

For example:

Ubuntu 10.10 (Released in the year 2010, in October - 10th month) Ubuntu 11.04 (Released in the year 2011, in April - 4th month)

Note: When a new release of Ubuntu / Edubuntu becomes available, a section in the Update Manager program will indicate a newer version and allow the administrator to perform an online upgrade to new version. This procedure can take a few hours. The administrator should advise and request permission to perform an online update, since these downloads may affect the normal download usage of the current ISP usage agreement.

It is highly recommended to upgrade to newer versions, but is recommended to wait until an appropriate "down-time" (less busy) period of time before proceeding with update. As a rule, I usually wait until 2 months after a new release to upgrade version.

How to Perform a Fresh Install

There may be several reasons why an administrator would "wipe the system" and perform a fresh install:

  • Rebuilding system
  • Recovering system as a result of a massive crash
  • Recovering system from corrupted OS
  • Replacing obsolete Hardware with New Hardware

Although an Edubuntu installation DVD is located with the server, it is recommended to download and "burn-in" a newer version of Edubuntu. Edubuntu is covered under GPL (GNU Public License), and users are allowed to download, burn and use copies for free without violating copyright laws.

A direct link to download the current version of Edubuntu: [ ]

A link to the Edubuntu website: [ ]