My Applied Research Log
Week 1
1/12/2011 (Wed)
- NexJ project team meeting
1/15/2011 (Sat)
Week 2
1/18/2011 (Tue)
1/19/2011 (Wed)
- NexJ project team meeting
- The PostgreSQLAdapter project must be completed by March 31, 2011.
- New projects will be proposed to NexJ for approval.
- Research Notes on the SQLSchemaManager class
1/20/2011 (TH)
- NexJ Coding Standards received from Grace
- Checkd out the code base of the PostgreSQLAdapter project from the mercurial repository
- build errors encountered
Week 3
1/24/2011 (Mon)
- ran the JUnit test PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest on my laptop (vs the CDOT desktop)
- errors encountered
1/25/2011 (Tue)
1/26/2011 (Wed)
- NexJ team meeting
- error encounterd in running PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest
- system path error encountered
- solution was offered by Grace
1/27/2011 (Friday)
- met with Grace to understand how he has used JUnit tests to guide his research and coding process
Week 4
2/09/2011 (Mon)
- met with Jordan and Dawn to discuss about two projects that have been approved by NexJ
2/11/2011 (Wed)
- checked out Revision 28 from the code repository, ran PostgreSQLSchemaMangerTest and PostgreSQLAdapterTest
- uploaded the JUnit testing results (the current status of the project)
- reviewed NexJ Developer's Guide (coding standard)
Week 5
2/07/2011 (Mon)
- posted the summary of JUnit errors on PostgreSQLAdatperTest
2/09/2011 (Wed)
- posted Grouping of methods to be implemented 2/09/2011
- team meeting
- look into jQuery and Scheme (Racket?)
- work with Tung