Grouping of methods to be implemented 2/09/2011
group 1 - use SQLInsert
- apependIdentityColumn - appendIdentityPrefix - appendIdentitySuffix - appendIdentityValue
group 2 - use PreparedStatement, SQLInsert
- bindIdentity - getIdentityValue (also use Column)
group 3a - use Primitive, SQLGenerator
- appendTypeConversion
group 3b - use Primitive
- isLiteral
group 4 - use SQLJoin, Column, Pair
- appendMatchStatement
group 5 - use RelationalSchema, ResultSet, Column (DONE)
- isUniCode
group 6 -use Query
- appendPrefixHint - appendSuffixHint - appendTableHint
group 8 - use Index
- indexNameMathces
group 9
- appendNoRowsBlock - appendNoRowsEnd - appendNoRowsStart
group 10 - use FunctionOperator (DONE)
- appendStringLengthPrefix - appendSubstringPrefix