{{Tlx}} is a generic Navigational template.
Blank syntax (basic)
{{Navigation |title = |body = }}
- title
- Text that appears centered in the titlebar (the top bar). Usually this is the template's topic, i.e. a succinct description of the body contents.
- body
- The material contained by the template, usually a list or list of links. Format is inline.
- navbar
- Whether to include navigation links. Includes when set to yes, otherwise does not.
- navtitle
- What name to use for the navigation links. Defaults to the current page name.
- style
- Any CSS styling to apply to the whole navigation;
- titlestyle
- Any CSS styling to apply to the titlebar; usually a background color (i.e.
titlestyle = background:color
- bodystyle
- Any CSS styling to add to the body, e.g. "text-align:center;" to center the body's content in place of its default left alignment.
- category
- The category or categories to which a page transcluding the template will become a member. Place
either side of the category or categories to ensure the template itself isn't made a member. Use of this parameter is discouraged; when editing a page on which the template is transcluded, no mention of the category or categories added by this parameter is apparent.
- show'
- Whether to expand the body by default. Expands when set to yes, otherwise not. In the example, below, the third box specifies "show = yes", forcing the third box to expand.
{{Navigation |title = Countries of Central Asia |body = Afghanistan{{·}} Kazakhstan{{·}} Kyrgyzstan{{·}} Mongolia{{·}} Russia{{·}} Tajikistan{{·}} Turkmenistan{{·}} Uzbekistan }} {{Navigation |navbar = yes |title = Countries of Central Asia |body = Afghanistan{{·}} Kazakhstan{{·}} Kyrgyzstan{{·}} Mongolia{{·}} Russia{{·}} Tajikistan{{·}} Turkmenistan{{·}} Uzbekistan }} {{Navigation |navbar = yes |title = Countries of Central Asia |body = Afghanistan{{·}} Kazakhstan{{·}} Kyrgyzstan{{·}} Mongolia{{·}} Russia{{·}} Tajikistan{{·}} Turkmenistan{{·}} Uzbekistan |show = yes }}
Countries of Central Asia
Afghanistan · Kazakhstan · Kyrgyzstan · Mongolia · Russia · Tajikistan · Turkmenistan · Uzbekistan