01 Tuesday
- Looking into monitor problems
- Worked on bezier
- Researched triangulation being used in Processing
02 Wednesday
- Replaced monitor
- Figured out triangulation method
- Implemented method into PJS for use
03 Thursday
- Researched scan lines, clipping and filling polygons to figure out bezier fill
04 Friday
- Disregarded research for now due to limited time
- Implemented incomplete bezier and curve (lines working, fill not working)
- Implemented working ellipse (both fill and lines)
- Created new tickets with bugs found
07 Monday
- Finished blog about curves in PJS
- PJS meeting with Dave about what to work on
- Spent day doing peer-reviews for 0.9.3
08 Tuesday
- Started research on streaming/conversion for Arius3D
- Meeting with Andor to hash out immediate details and what parts of Arius3D we should work on
- Looked for PJS examples that are off trace vs on trace.
09 Wednesday
- Downloaded Hex Editor to see what .psi files would produce when converted to ascii
- Figured out that we need a way to decompress .psi files
- Emailed Arius3D on if .psi files are what we're going to be working with and if so, asked for direction on building a decompression system
- Looked at PJS tickets while waiting for response
- Made note of beginShape/endShape problems with colorArray being larger than fillArray
- Filed bug with Mozilla about Minefield crashing using stripped down PGraphics example
10 Thursday
- Grabbed some reading material concerning point cloud simplification algorithms
- Researched COLLADA spec and looked into using it for Pointstream project
11 Friday
- Installed Apache and PHP system into India
- Disabled system for now and decided to use matrix
- Worked on and started testing ascii to png conversion system
14 Monday
- Continued work on ascii to png conversion system
- Fixed bug experienced when merging bezier, curve and ellipse functions in PJS
15 Tuesday
- Started modifying reader from using php to reading xhr
- Tested 0.9.3 release
16 Wednesday
- Meeting with Anu at Arius3D
- Struggled with trying to get xhr working as a stream.
17 Thursday
- Hacked at PNG converter some more, got a slow version working
- Obtained some knowledge on improving speed from notmasteryet
- Read up some more on bit shifting
- Started blog post
18 Friday
- Finished blog post
- Started reviewing code given to us from Arius3D concerning PSI Reader
21 Monday
- Worked on fixing beginShape/endShape for Webkit engines and got nowhere
22 Tuesday
- Reviewed bug for PJS (which required rebuilding mozilla-central on Windows 7)
- Continued deciphering PSI Reader
- Tried building PSI Reader in VS2008... but wouldn't work
23 Wednesday
- Reviewed more PJS tickets for 0.9.5
- Started framework for PSI Reader using XHR
- Tried obtaining tags used for XML/ASCII part of PSI files
24 Thursday
- Began stripping PSI Reader files and took tags located in there
- Started file of string variables for comparing against XHR later
25 Friday
- Conversed with Anu/Arius3D about PSI Reader Alpha
- Got the PSI Reader to compile... still having problems getting data though
- Reviewed PJS ticket for 0.9.5
28 Monday
- Worked on PSI Reader some more
- Having problems with writing to page the information I'm reading
- Triage tickets for XBP