Irssi Tutorial

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IRSSI + Terminal Server:

Why use the IRSSI client on cs1 you ask? Well because then you don't have to be worried about being connected to IRC at all times. By using the screen porgram you can create a session in the background and launch IRSSI within that session. This way when you logout of telnet or ssh your session is still active and can be accessed later on.

Advantages include:

  1. People can leave you messages.
  2. You can catch-up on important things that you may have had otherwise missed that happened on IRC.


  1. Obtain an account on cs1 (ask dave).
  2. Use ssh to connect to cs1, for example PuTTY (Windows). If you use Linux or any Unix based operating system you likely already have ssh installed.
  3. Once you've connected to cs1 launch IRSSI within a screen session. You can do this by typing screen in the bash prompt. This will launch the screen application which should start a new bash prompt of its own.
  4. Type "irssi" in the new bash prompt in order to launch IRSSI, the irc application. As a side note, if you want to exit a screen session just type "exit" in the bash prompt to return to the main prompt where you originally launched screen from.
  5. In the IRSSI prompt, type /connect in order to connect to the Mozilla IRC server.
  6. Once you're connected type in /j #seneca to join the official DPS909 IRC channel.
  • If you would like to return back to the bash prompt without exiting IRSSI hit "ctrl+a" then "ctrl+d"
  • If you would like to return to IRSSI type "screen -raAd" in the bash prompt.
  • If you would like to see a list of screens that are currently running type "screen -ls" in the bash prompt.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do i change the default nick name?
    • In irssi, type /set nick <nicknamehere> or /nick<nicknamehere>, which ever way work for you.
  2. How do i switch between the different 'windows' so that i can view my opened channels, private messages or the server window?
    • Use the alt key followed by a number to switch to that 'window'. I.e. Pressing alt 1 will switch to the server window.
    • If that doesn't work, then try the escape key instead of alt. That should always work.
  3. How do i list all the users in the current channel?
    • You can either type /names or /who followed by alt 1 to switch to the server window.
  4. On the Irssi screen, what does 'Act: 3' mean?
    • This display allows you to see which 'windows' are currently active with user conversation or system messages. In this case, 'window' 3 is currently active. To switch to this window, press alt 3.
  5. How do i close an open window?
    • Navigate to the window you want to close, type /window close and press enter.
  6. How do I log back onto the account on the second time on?
    • Type the following command screen -r on the terminal.
  7. I have multiple screens but I want to see the screens I currently have. How do I do this?
    • Type the following command screen -x on the terminal.
  8. How do i scroll up or down?
    • Page Up & Page Down.
  9. How do I send private message to someone on irc?
    • First of all, to send a private message, you need to know that person's nickname, and then type '/query nickname'