OOP344 Hasselhoff
Team Hasselhoff
As you can see we've been given our svn usernames for the repository. I have the master sheet of all the passwords so please E-Mail me mddaniels@learn.senecac.on.ca. Just give me what username you are and I will send you the password for the account.
Sorry if this is confusing but since we are in three seperate classes this is the best option that I could come up with. ~ Matthew Daniels
Last Name | Name | Seneca Username | Section | Blog Url | IRC Nick | Repository Usernames | Current Task |
Daniels | Matthew | mddaniels | B | - | CDNPadawan | ops344_093svn81 | - |
Desautels | Carl | cwdesautels | A | Blog | [Carl89] | ops344_093svn82 | - |
Selby | Remington | rselby | B | Blog | rselby | ops344_093svn83 | - |
Young | Oliver | oyoung4 | C | Oliver's Blog | oyoung4 | ops344_093svn84 | - |
Seow | Yip Lim | ylseow | C | Yip's Blog | YupYipYo | ops344_093svn85 | - |
Simmalavong | Niki | nsimmalavong | C | Niki's Blog | nsimmalavong | ops344_093svn86 | - |
Faria-Seerattan | Matthew | mfaria-seerattan | B | Matthew's Blog | - | ops344_093svn87 | - |
Galano | Stefano | sugalano | B | Stefano's Blog | S_Galano | ops344_093svn88 | - |
++CONTACTS++ | |||||||
Oliver |
Completed Tasks
To Do List
IRC Meetings
Nov 11 2pm
<fardad> first start with frame and io_field and label... and get it done with...then io_form and from there it is down hill....
<fardad> so send them and email and get them off the team so you know what you are dealing with...then...start the class skeleton and finish it in half a day, you must do that asap then devide the work between frame, feild label and form....add few labels to a form and test...then io edit and merge my IO_checklist and IO_menu the io_vedit ant io_textedit and finaly the project...you are foure poeple now...so start with the four base classes and test a form filled with labels only remember that, the load of work between the four classes out of 10 are: field: 1.5, frame 1.5, label 3, form 4 ask for my help at anytime so I can lead you toward the right direction... <[Carl89]> informative <fardad> create branches if you like me to access your code and work with it and later merge it back to trunk any questions? <YupYipYo> no <oyoung4> nope <[Carl89]> nah, we should claim base classes now, the skeleton is already up there