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- Open Source Weblog: Aaron on Software
DPS909A - Fall 2008
Mozilla Project
Mozilla Building
- Operating System: Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)
- Computer Used: Dell Inspiron 1501 (1.8Ghz/2GB)
Mozilla Ubiquity
Ubiquity Commands - Work in Progress
Display IP address
Displays users IP address immediately
by AaronMT
Usage: ip
Utilizes the whatismyip website to parse the IP and display it right in the console
CmdUtils.CreateCommand({ name: "ip", homepage: "", author: { name: "Aaron Train", email: ""}, description: "Displays your internal IP address.", help: "Just type IP", icon: "", preview: function(pblock) { var url = ""; jQuery.get( url, function(data) { pblock.innerHTML = data; }); }, execute: function() { var url = ""; Utils.openUrlInBrowser(url); }, });
Search MedicineNet
Searches MedicineNet with a given keyword
by AaronMT
Usage: health keyword phrase
CmdUtils.CreateCommand( { name: "health", homepage: "", author: { name: "Aaron Train", email: "" }, description: "Takes keyword phrase and searches MedicineNet", help: "health <i>keyword phrase</i>", icon: "", takes: {"Enter a noun": noun_arb_text}, preview: function(pblock, keywordPhrase) { pblock.innerHTML = "Search the MedicineNet by entering any phrase <b>" + keywordPhrase.text + "</b>" }, execute: function(keywordPhrase) { var searchURL = "" + keywordPhrase.text; Utils.openUrlInBrowser(searchURL); } });
Transfers selected text to a new pastebin>
Usage: pb
CmdUtils.CreateCommand({ name: "pb", homepage: "", author: { name: "Aaron Train", email: ""}, description: "Transfers selected text to a new Pastebin.", help: "Selected text will be sent to a new Pastebin", icon: "", preview: function(pblock) { var text=context.focusedWindow.document.getSelection(); var url = ""; }, execute: function() { var url = ""; var text=context.focusedWindow.document.getSelection(); displayMessage(text); Utils.openUrlInBrowser(url); }, });
[1] Bugs I have reported
[2] Bugs I have reported
External Projects
I am deeply passionate with the Ubuntu project. Having first used it in its infancy and being involved with the community, collaborating with the community to better the product has been a hobby and passion of mine for the past few years. I have been contributing to many tutorials and solutions in the community, such as: